Love The Mess – The Course

For the driven woman who wants to master her emotions, learn to trust her heart, and create a life she’s completely obsessed with.

You're a woman used to hitting all your goals, but lately you're feeling like all you do is hit goals and you're craving more out of life.


trust in your own wisdom & intuition

inspiration in your career or business

open-heartedness in your relationships

flow & creativity in living out your purpose

spontaneity and adventure day-to-day

What if you could wake up each day with a sense of calm & confidence, knowing that you have the tools to handle whatever life throws at you? What if you were deeply fulfilled in your relationships, incredibly in tune with your intuition, and living out your purpose where you feel truly seen, heard, and valued?

I'm here to tell you this can be your reality.


Love the Mess – The Course

Love the Mess is a 4-week course designed for ambitious women who are done playing by the rules and ready to align with her soul's true desires. This program will help you create a life you are wildly obsessed with, even when life gets messy.

“Working with Robin on a “relationship pattern” helped me breakthrough something I had been holding onto for lifetimes. I am now in the most healthy, conscious, delicious love relationship of my life! Thank you Robin, you are truly a gift to the world!”

Jennifer Grace, Hay House Author

“Love the Mess takes you to the place of possibilities. It supplies you with a map to navigate and a light to help shine the way through the dark. The road leads to a world of opportunities, goals and how to achieve them. If you feel stuck, it gets the wheels turning. If you need motivation, this will light the fire.”

Patricia Navaira

"Robin was instrumental in helping me navigate a difficult breakup, and her support was invaluable in my healing journey. Robin’s guidance helped me to see the light at the end of the tunnel and taught me how to prioritize myself.
If you’re struggling to get out of a relationship slump or need help finding better ways to value yourself and build your confidence, Robin is the person to turn to."

Maggie Brown, CEO - Recess Pickleball

I know what it's like to be hard on yourself & feel the pressure to achieve everything you want. To feel like you have to do even more before you'll be truly happy. Let me show you another way.

Imagine if you could...

 Live from a state of flow, tapped fully into the voice of your intuition, and release the constant pressure from your mind that tries to fix, force, and figure everything out.

Tap into the boundless creativity that already lives within you, so you can bring to life the meaningful projects that truly light you up and bring you purpose.

Cultivate an energy of pure trust in life, and live from a place of deep connection with your heart. Open yourself up to receive guidance, synchronicities, and miracles — all in perfect timing.

Release doubt, resentment, and any negative patterns in your relationships and learn to bring down the walls so you can experience a love that takes your breath away.

Learn how to release frozen blocks of energy at a subconscious & cellular level, so you can live every moment from a place of authentic power instead of as a reaction to circumstances.

Experience an even deeper appreciation & value for yourself than you ever thought possible, and watch the beautiful ripple effects in every area of your life.

What’s Inside Love the Mess:

Module 1: The Love The Mess Personal Growth Framework

Learn my foundational process to connect to the voice of your heart and your authentic truth, so you can get more of what you really want out of life.

Get out of your head and into your body. Escape the constant mental chatter and discover how to tune into the wisdom of your body through expansion and contraction cues.

How to clear your subconscious of any belief that isn't truly yours, and powerfully tap into your own inner guidance system in a way you can trust.

Module 2: Cultivate the Relationships You Desire

Discover my number one secret to transforming your perspective on relationships forever, so that you always feel secure and confident in your relationships.

Free yourself to be seen & valued for who you really are – ditch the people-pleasing and stop obsessing over whether he texts you back or not, for good.

Learn how to trust in relationships & love again, no matter your past. Bring down the walls standing in between you and the love you desire.

Module 3: Ignite Your Authentic Power & Self-Leadership

Learn how to release the stress & pressure of life's daily demands without having to book a trip to Italy, and anchor into a consistent state of peace, calm, and flow throughout your day.

Identify and release any habits or patterns that are inadvertently standing in the way of your next level of growth and having what you truly want.

Practice releasing the grip of control so that you can finally allow your life's authentic purpose and meaning to unfold.

Module 4: Focus into Your Highest Potential

Experience my most powerful guided hypnosis audio that will drop you into the core of your deepest power, so you can co-create your most aligned future.

Uncover the genuine impact you are here to make while living the lifestyle you truly desire full of love, adventure, wealth, stability, family, purpose, and freedom.

Tap into the power of forgiveness to dissolve the past so you can experience life as your most present and focused self.

Bonus: The Emotional Reset Method Workshop

This interactive prerecorded workshop in collaboration with Inc. guides you through my 5-minute Emotional Reset Method, proven to help you create instant shifts in your thinking and emotional state, so you can make the clearest most aligned decisions no matter what life throws at you.

Experience the freedom of releasing comparison or judgment and lovingly accept your own uniqueness, so you can get out of the box and move forward powerfully in any direction you choose.

Are you ready to elevate your life?

When you join Love the Mess, you’ll get:

Love the Mess Self-Discovery Course Curriculum (4 Modules, 12 Lessons Total) – $1997 Value
Live the Life You Desire Facebook Community - $997 Value
Monthly Live Q&A Sessions with Robin - $2997 Value
BONUS: The Emotional Reset Method Workshop - $597 Value

Total Value: $6,588

Your Investment: $997

Payment plan available

Meet Your Mentor

I know this works because I've lived it. My journey from a corporate executive living on autopilot to a heart-centered entrepreneur wasn't just a career change—it was a complete life transformation.

Over the past decade I have recreated my life and become a transformational life coach, artist, and speaker who has led thousands of women around the world to create lives they are completely obsessed with, both personally and professionally.

I'm here to tell you the TRUTH you need to know about creating the life you desire
(even in the hard times!)

In fact, here's the biggest problem you're facing right now:

Your conscious mind is full of thoughts playing on autopilot that don’t actually support the life you want to live.

The truth is that most people let these thoughts dictate their choices — missing out on living the life they are meant to live.

They let the toxic patterns in their mind (that they don’t even know they have) get the best of them!

I've been there. As a driven women facing uncertainty, pressure, and stress, I know what it's like to believe that getting to the life you want to live is a long, hard journey (hint: it's really not).

Through tapping into my intuition and embracing my authentic self & the desires of my heart, I've created a life I love – full of love, adventure, wealth, stability, family, purpose, and freedom.

I've distilled the wisdom from thousands of client sessions over the past 15 years into a repeatable, concise, step-by-step process proven to get you results.

Love the Mess – The Course is all about freeing yourself from the shoulds of life and learning to create the life you truly desire.

I'm honored to guide you on this journey of self-discovery and transformation. Together, we'll create a safe space for growth and connection, practice mindfulness and emotional intelligence, and shift your perspective on yourself and the world around you.

Remember, your happiness isn't tied to external outcomes—it comes from within. And I'm here to help you uncover it.

Love the Mess is right for you if…

You're successful and driven, but can't seem to crack the code for lasting fulfillment in your relationships & career

You keep attracting the same types of partners or dynamics, no matter how much you want something different

You deeply crave more intimacy, connection, and passion in your partnership

You're willing to do the profound inner work to become a vibrational match for the authentic life you desire

With concise, to-the-point tangible lessons, Love the Mess is intentionally designed to get you the greatest transformation in the shortest amount of time.

You're a busy woman – you don't have time to waste.

LOVE for Love the Mess

“Working with Robin Emmerich is an absolute pleasure, and her meditations offer such calming solace for the soul. Initially hesitant due to my typically busy mind, I found that with some dedication and guidance from Robin, I was able to find my rhythm and truly unwind!”

Melody Cristo

“I’ve spent years and thousands of dollars in the past trying to heal and believing things were never going to change. Until I started working with Robin and I took Love the Mess – The Course. It positively impacted my relationships and professional life in ways that I never knew were possible. Robin is incredible! Healing, understanding, and love for yourself is everything. Robin has been the only one to help me heal myself… and it has changed my life. I’m so happy! I encourage everyone to take her course.”

Cheyenne Burnett

“My search led me to Robin. For the past 20 years, I’ve read manifesting books, worked with life coaches, did hypnotherapy, and I still couldn’t get to the core root of what was plaguing me in certain areas of my life and how to release them. Until I worked with Robin. She helped me to release the fear, the pain, the anger and frustration. Robin is a gift to us to help us find our own voice – our own truth – releasing limiting beliefs that allows us to become better people. I highly recommend working with Robin… you will not be disappointed. She is truly a gift.”

Christi Rich

“Robin has helped me to have the tools necessary to handle life’s challenges. I have been through her course and had private sessions and she always helps me listen to my inner guidance and know what’s real, while staying true to myself. She has an innate ability to help me find the peace and calm necessary to proceed with grace. I am so grateful to have her wisdom running in my subconscious and helping me make better decisions about what is going to make me the best version of myself in my life and relationships!”

Trisha Leslie, Founder – Yelo Botanicals

Are you ready to experience the MORE you know you're meant for?

What's inside Love the Mess:

Love the Mess Self-Discovery Course Curriculum (4 Modules, 12 Lessons Total) – $1997 Value
Live the Life You Desire Facebook Community - $997 Value
Monthly Live Q&A Sessions with Robin - $2997 Value
BONUS: The Emotional Reset Method Workshop - $597 Value

Total Value: $6,588

Your Investment: $997

Payment plan available

Copyright © 2024 Robin Emmerich | All Rights Reserved.